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REAL Estate Business Ambassador | Reb360
Become a REAL Estate Business Ambassador
Refer and Earn 2% - 5% commission!
How does it work?
As a valued client or believer in our exceptional services, you have the opportunity to earn by simply spreading the word to friends, colleagues, and family.

Alternatively, register as a REBA Business Partner and unlock three ways to earn:

Direct Commission: Earn a generous commission starting from 10% upwards.
First Generation Earnings: Receive 2% of downline sales. When a REBA Business Partner registers through your unique link, you will earn a lifelong commission on all their sales without affecting their own direct commission.
Second Generation Earnings: Enjoy a 1% commission on sales made by your Business Partner's downline, up to two level downline sales. When your Business Partner registers someone using their own link, you also earn a 1% commission from that sale.
Wealth in three steps!
You sign up
Register on Reb360 and as soon as you register, you are instantly given a unique link that you can share to family, friends or any individual.
We track your friends
We track every user you refer to us using cookies - so users you refer to us don't have to pay instantly for you to receive your commission.
We pay you
We pay you your commission when your friend buys any of our offerings. When your friend pays for any of Reb360 offerrings, 2 - 10% of the total amount paid is credited to you.
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