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Frequently Asked Questions - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY IN NIGERIA | Reb360 | 100% Money Back Guaranteed
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Reb360?  
Reb360 is a Lagos-based firm dedicated to offering you safe and reliable investment opportunities
What do you do?  
We primarily offer investment opportunities in Buildings, Minerals, Agriculture and Lands
Why should you invest?  
Because inflation is going up daily - and the only real way to grow your money is to invest it in Real Estate and other non-liquid assets
How do I make payments?  
We offer a spread payment of up to 12 months for the plot of land and an 18 month spread for the homes.
Please note that we do NO cash transactions

All payments should be made ONLY to the designated Reb360 Accounts namely:

Account Name: Reb360 Investment Limited
GTBANK: 0235345610
ZENITH BANK: 1014975825
KEYSTONE BANK: 1006935828
POLARIS BANK: 4091049765
2021 © Reb360. All rights reserved.