

Awele Chiedu is a certified Accountant with over 25 years of work expertence both in Carporate America and within Nigeria. Her experience covers tinancial analysis, audit and consultancy services, as well as human resource & office management. She is currently the Chief Financial Officer at Emval Nigeria. Limited an oil servicing company as well as the Managing Director of Vanette Nigeria Limited which is a distributor for a range of beauty and hair products.


She possesses a BA in Finance from Manhattanville College as well as Masters’ degrees in Accounting and in Business Administration, both obtained at the Zicklin School of Business, City University of New York.


Awele’s interests include reading, counseling and mentoring young people. She is assortate member of Wimbiz (Women in Management, Business and Public Service) and she currently serves alongside her husband. of 19 years as youth pastors in a local Church. Together they have 2 children.

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